Sunday 17 August 2014

Did you know. . .

Did you know that 3 out of 4 people shop online. With growing numbers choosing hand made rather then mass production items.

Do you agree with this? If so where do you mostly go to do online shopping? Through Facebook, Ebay or directly on consumer websites?

Washing intructions.

Click on the link above for washing instructions.

Friday 15 August 2014

New quilts........

Been busy getting a few more quilts ready to go.... for the pram and the cot.


Monday 11 August 2014


I get inspiration from everywhere. I also have a passion for hand embroidery, applique and quilting. I enjoy checking out different blogs and websites, some of these are:

I also love pintrest! Great place for ideas and seeing what other people are making and liking.

Overseas order

This cot throw was a my first custom order that went overseas!!!! Was soooooo exciting!!


Welcome to my first blog on my hobby FUNKY FLANNELS!
I have always enjoyed arts and crafts and started to make baby quilts for friends with new babies as their pressie to welcome their new bundle of joy.

From this I had other people requesting for me to make them a baby quilt so I created a facebook page and started taking orders and making custom quilts for friends and friends of.
Here is a link to my facebook page